Hydrobike Explorer I (single)


Gently used at Nicolet Beach Rentals.

Collect from Nicolet Beach anytime from Labor Day (September 5th 2022).

*** Shipping not available, collection is from Nicolet Beach Rentals in Peninsula State Park, Fish Creek WI.

From hydrobikes.com: Hydrobikes have been synonymous with fun & fitness on the water in 70 countries now since our founder invented our pedal powered water bike 25 years ago. Non polluting, easy to ride, lightweight, safe and stable with 400 lbs flotation, Hydrobikes are enjoyed by everyone from 8-80.


  • The exceptional quality of Hydrobikes is evident in every feature. They are geared for high-peformance and low maintenance. You will be amazed at how little effort it takes to pedal on a lake, river, or ocean with this water bike.

  • From its stability to its high visibility on the water, the Hydrobike is engineered for a safe, reliable ride.

  • The Hydro-bike's pontoons were scientifically developed by a professional canoe designer for optimum buoyancy, speed, and maneuverability. That means you will have a smooth ride even in very choppy water.

  • Stable enough to dive from, the Hydro-bike can also handle rough water conditions, including five foot ocean swells.

  • Fits in most mini-vans and SUV's. One person can assemble and disassemble the Hydrobike in minutes, with out any tools.


  • Fast performance: This is no slow paddle boat. The Hydrobike's computer-designed propulsion system features a 90% efficient propeller which allows you to achieve cruise speeds of 4-6 mph with minimum effort.

  • High-performance: The lower drive train is sealed water-tight, providing protection even in salty seawater. The chain uses environmentally friendly lubricants.

  • Quite performance: The Hydro-bike is engineered for silence. It won't disturb wildlife habitats- or fishing holes.

Built-in Storage
Stow extra clothes, beverages, and cargo.
There's even a handy cup holder.

Shallow Water
Operates in less than one foot of water. Automatically pivots up and over obstacles like rocks or sand. Beaches easily without prop or rudder damage.

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